Sweet potato pudding, sweet potato casserole, sweet potato fluff!! Soo many different names and variations on this awesome casserole. Well, here is my version. Smoot, sweet, with a hint of pineapple and whiskey. Toasted marshmallows just sets it off!! Gosh, my mouth is watering!!
4 large sweet potatoes or yams
1 stick of butter (yeah, I said butter)
1/2 cup of white sugar
1 can of crushed pineapple
1/2 cup of brown sugar (gotta mix the brown and white, don't act shocked)
2tsp of vanilla
2tsp of nutmeg
2tsp of ginger
1 egg
2tbl of cinnamon
2 miniture bottles of whiskey (1 for you to drink and one for the recipe, smile)
1/2 cup of milk
one bag mini or regular marshmallows
Preheat oven to 375. While the oven is preheating, scrub the potatoes under cold running water, and then wrap in foil. Put in the oven for 1-2 hours or until they feel soft to the touch.*** Remove from the oven and set aside to let cool enough to handle, but not too cool (or you can be like me and take skin off while hot. I am crazy like that).
Put the sweet potatoes in a bowl with the stick of butter and mash first. Then, here is the fun part, put the mixture in either a blender or use your stand mixer (I used my trusty mixer for this part). And beat for 5 minutes, scraping down the sides. After the 5 minutes, add your sugars and egg, clean your beaters off if you have to get rid of the strings. Add the milk and beat again until smooth, anywhere between 5 upto 15 minutes ( I am talking babyfood consistency).
Sir in your spices and the whiskey, pineapple, pour into a greased 13x9 casserole dish or, a greased round casserole dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 350. Add your marshmallows and either broil low for 5 minutes or throw that sucker back in the oven at the 350 temp until the marshmallows are nice and golden and to your liking.
***The skin should pull away easily if they are done. If not bake them longer until it is.
You can add alot to this!!! Pineapples, sauteed apples, coconut, they all go good in this recpie.